F4T Lab

Farm4trade, along with strategic collaborators in the industrial, academic and development sectors helps bringing ideas from concept to reality.


F4T Lab

Since the foundation of F4T Lab, we have been able to develop innovative solutions that empower livestock companies and slaughterhouses to reach new standards in productivity, sustainability and traceability.

Partner with us to explore how our solutions can drive innovation.

Academic Partners


UNITE (University of Teramo)

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at UniTE is an approved Centre of Excellence by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). UNITE works with Farm4Trade to certify that the technology developed is up to scientific and industrial standards and to guarantee the annotation of lesions and the scoring systems adopted on both organs and carcasses at the abattoir are compliant with the most recent advancements in veterinary medicine.


UniMORE (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

The Faculty is one of the most innovative Italian Universities in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AImageLab is the research lab of the Department of Engineering “ENZO FERRARI” and it is the main technological partner for the Farm4Trade’s R&D projects. They certify that the technology developed is up to scientific and industrial standards and compliant with the ethical requirements on the use of AI in the diagnostic field.

Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Namibia

UNAM is the main partner within the framework of a project for the distribution of products with high technological value and training tools for breeders.

Development Partners

Pilot Partners

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